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Sir Isaac Newton, a scientist and philosopher of the late 1600’s, spent many years trying to come up with codified rules that describe how all stuff in the universe behaves. In the experiment below, w ...

Yikes! You’ve just spilled water all over the table! Never fear, there are paper towels nearby. As you clean up your mess you notice that water is spreading throughout the paper towel. What is going o ...

How do living cells interact with the environment around them? All living things possess catalysts, or substances within them that speed up chemical reactions and processes. Enzymes are molecules that ...

Do heavier objects fall faster? Newton observed the infamous apple falling from a tree, and drew important conclusions about the behavior of everyday objects under the force of gravity. In the case of ...

Let there be light! At the flick of a switch, a light bulb can light or illuminate an entire room, but what else is happening? One the basic laws of physics, the conservation of energy, tells us that ...

Ever notice that when you pour a darker liquid into clear water the overall color changes into a shade between both? Diffusion is the passive process of particles spreading from areas of high concentr ...

The temperature of an object can greatly change what that object can do! In this case, a golf ball can be heated or cooled in order to explore the effects of its temperature on its total elasticity. E ...

Ever wonder why it is that you reach for and do certain things with one hand over the other? Handedness has been used to describe left or right preference but one may also be mixed-handed. Cross domin ...

Energy can be made, or generated, using solids, gas or liquids as its source of power. So how do you use energy? Energy can be generated to produce light, heat or the movement of objects. In this expe ...

Did you know that there are many different kinds of eyes? And that not all of them even see images? Different creatures need different kinds of eyes to help them survive in their environment.For examp ...